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MPHA 2024 Annual Conference

Holiday Inn By the Bay, 88 Spring Street, Portland, ME 04101


The Call for Abstracts is open! Click the PDF below to review the full Call before submitting yours.

The public health challenges we face in Maine, whether mental health, gun violence, or climate resiliency, are complex, intersectional, and require innovative approaches to address them. This year’s conference will dig into creative ways to operationalize public health programming and campaigns. That could include cutting edge research on technology that will help us improve health and well-being, a new way to engage communities, data visualization strategies to reduce health disparities and improve inequitable systems, or insight into messaging to make sure public health practitioners are reaching the right audiences with the right messages.

Related to this year's theme, we are looking for diverse examples and perspectives on what innovation in public health means to you and the communities you serve. The Conference will be dedicated to showcasing a broad array of programs, projects, and initiatives – formal and informal – that seek to address multiple factors impacting individual and community health and demonstrate strategy, innovation, and creativity in addressing complex public health challenges. 

Abstracts are 300 words, and due by 5:00pm on Friday, June 28th. We will confirm conference presenters by Friday, July 26th. Abstracts may be submitted for:

  • Short oral presentations - 25 minutes
  • Long oral presentations - 50 minutes
  • Poster presentations