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Support our 40th anniversary!

August 21, 2024

Celebrating MPHA’s 40th Anniversary  

2024 will mark 40 years that Maine Public Health Association has been dedicated to ensuring the health of all people and places in Maine. We’ve set a goal of raising $40,000 over our previous year's budget to help us build our Future Fund, with half of that total coming from individual donors. These resources will allow MPHA to pursue its long-term goals, take on new initiatives, and respond to unforeseen challenges.

Contribute here to our 40th anniversary campaign and become a legacy donor. We’ll recognize supporters over the course of the year on our website, in our newsletters, and at the annual meeting. 

 A big thank you to our current donors for their generous support!




Barbara Crowley, MD

Julie Osgood, DrPH and David Bachman, MD

Joanne and Richard Cohen

Linda J. Frazier and Peter Ditmanson

John LaCasse

Jay Knowlton and Blake McCartney

Ed Miller

Tara K Pelletier and Scott Morin

Tammy Nesin and Noah Nesin

Market Decisions Research 

Sheldon and Denise Tepler 

Angela Cole Westhoff


Andrew Coburn

Anne Conners 

Deborah Deatrick

Clay Graybeal and Deborah Hall

Lisa Miller 

Michelle Mitchell

Sharon McDonnell and Gib Parrish

Rinck Advertising

Richard P. Veilleux

Edward Walworth 

Leo Waterston


Mollie Barnathan

Kip DeSerres

Lani Graham 

Jay McCreight

Dr. Dora Mills

Holly Richards

Tory Rogers

Vicki L. Sebell

Sydney R Sewall


Denise Bisaillon

Allen F. Browne

Meredith Strang Burgess

Ned Claxton

Marla H. Davis, MSN, RN

Morgan Hynd

Trish Riley

Karen O'Rourke

Bethany Sanborn

Under $100


Nancy Birkhimer

Barbara Covey

Lee Anne Dodge 

Judith Feinstein

LuAnn Garza

Tom Judge 

Rachael Mahar

Emily Rines

Sarah Rines 

Judith Tupper